
首頁(yè) 技術(shù)中心>約翰迪爾柴油機(jī)電子控制系統(tǒng)曲軸位置傳感器 空氣溫度傳感器 共軌燃油壓力傳感器JOHN DEERE電子單體噴油器的檢測(cè)安裝資料

約翰迪爾柴油機(jī)電子控制系統(tǒng)曲軸位置傳感器 空氣溫度傳感器 共軌燃油壓力傳感器JOHN DEERE電子單體噴油器的檢測(cè)安裝資料

2022/5/26 9:20:49

約翰迪爾柴油機(jī)電子控制系統(tǒng)曲軸位置傳感器 空氣溫度傳感器 共軌燃油壓力傳感器JOHN DEERE電子單體噴油器的檢測(cè)安裝資料,

John Deere Level 6 Electronic Control System
A—Engine Control Unit (ECU) D—Fuel Temperature Sensor G—Oil Pressure Sensor L—Camshaft Position Sensor
B—Throttle Position Sensor E—Manifold Air Temperature H—Fuel Pressure Sensor1 M—Diagnostic Reader
C—Coolant Temperature (MAT) Sensor I—Water-in-Fuel Sensor1 N—Vehicle Output Monitor
Sensor (1 or 2 used) F—Manifold Absolute Pressure J—Crankshaft Position Sensor 
 (MAP) Sensor K—Electronic Unit Injector (6 used)

NOTE:  Electronic control system diagnosis will 3.  Connect welder ground close to
determine if a sensor is not functioning welding point and make sure ECU
properly. Refer Section 04, Groups 150 and and other electrical components
160 as required. are not in the ground path.
IMPORTANT:  DO NOT pressure wash the engine The ECU mounting bracket is attached to the  cylinder
control unit (ECU). block. If removed, reinstall and tighten mounting
bracket cap screws to the following specifications.
Before welding on engines with ECU,
protect the ECU from high-current Specification
damage as follows: ECU Mounting
Bracket-to-Cylinder Block
Lower Cap Screws—Torque ....................................  68 N•m (55 lb-ft)
1. Disconnect ECU-to-vehicle frame ECU Mounting
ground connection. Bracket-to-Cylinder Block
2. Disconnect all other connectors Upper Front Cap Screw—
from ECU. Torque.....................................................................  110 N•m (81 lb-ft)
OUO1004,0000C41   –19–20DEC00–2/2

Remove and Install Coolant Temperature Sensor
NOTE: Your engine may be equipped with either one or two coolant temperature sensor(s) (A).
The ECU monitors coolant temperature for engine protection purposes and starting. Using the coolant temperature signal, the ECU will derate engine power as coolant temperature becomes excessive. The ECU will also adjust fuel delivery during start-up during low coolant temperature conditions.
ECT Sensor
1. Disconnect coolant temperature sensor wiring A—Coolant Temperature Sensor
connector and remove sensor from thermostat housing B—Thermostat Housing
2. Coat sensor O-ring with JDT405 High Temperature Grease and install sensor in thermostat housing. Tighten to specifications.
Coolant Temperature Sensor—
Torque ............................................................................  10 N•m (7.5 lb-ft)
3. Install sensor wiring connector.

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